A touching story about a dog loyally guarding his owner's grave for 10 years

Although the owner passed away 10 years ago, the Capitan sits in the grave year after year.

There are many touching stories about owners and pets in the world, and the story of Capitan and Miguel Guzman in Argentina is one of them. It is understood that after Capitan's owner passed away in 2006, the dog stood by the owner's grave every day.

The dog persisted at the owner's grave for 10 years.

After his death, Capitan disappeared, according to Guzman's family. While visiting the cemetery a few months later, Guzman's wife, Veronica, was stunned to find the dog next to her husband's grave. Several times she and her son tried to bring Capitan home, but the dog always wanted to go back to Miguel's grave. By the end, they understood that no matter what they did, they couldn't stop the Captain's desire to be with his Master. Perhaps the captain was too badly injured, and only being with Miguel could relieve some of the pain.

Over the years, the caretakers of the cemetery have become accustomed to Capitan's image. He has great affection and respect for this respectful dog. Although he was full of food and drink, and carefully vaccinated, time still made Capitan grow old. Currently, Capitan is 15 years old, nearly blind, and can only walk. Despite his poor health, he patiently guarded Miguel's grave, as if waiting for the day when they would meet again.

Retired cemetery keeper Hector Banegas said he didn't understand how the dog found its owner's grave because the place where it died and where it was buried were two completely different places. What's even stranger is that the dog didn't forget his owner's scent for months after his death. It is said that the dog was able to find Miguel's grave because of a "telepathic connection" between the two.

Aldo Cecchi, a dog trainer with 25 years of experience, said Capitan's story is proof that there is an energy that exists between owners and pets. It's possible that the dogs detected electromagnetic changes and sound waves that allowed them to locate their owners' burial sites.

Capitans are living proof of loyal pets that always look out for their owners.

Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that Capitans are living examples of loyal pets who always take care of their owners. 10 years is almost a dog's life, and Capitan spends all the time waiting for its owner, hoping that they will meet again.

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