Handbook on how to take care of a healthy puppy

Taking care of puppies, keeping them healthy, and looking their best is not something everyone can do, and it is quite a job for every dog owner.

A manual on how to care for healthy puppies for dog breeders

Taking care of puppies, keeping them healthy, and looking their best is not something everyone can do, and it is quite a job for every dog owner.

Newborn puppies are very weak and fragile. Therefore, we need to have the best puppy care techniques.

To ensure that puppies develop in the most normal and healthy way, they must be cared for.

Let our curious pet accessories give you some rules to properly care for your little ones to keep them healthy.

How to Care for a Puppy at Every Stage

Just like humans, we have different ways of caring for dogs at each age group, and the same is true for dogs. Players need to pay attention to each other at different stages in different ways.

We need to arm ourselves with enough knowledge to take care of them at every stage and avoid diseases related to their health.

Always remember that caring for a puppy is as tender and tender as a newborn baby.

Stay enthusiastic, follow them regularly, and watch for changes to help us control the dangers to our dogs.

The living environment of newborn puppies

Newborn puppies experience a dramatic change in body temperature as they emerge from their mothers.

After coming out of the mother's womb, the living conditions of the puppies are very different from those in the womb, from the outside temperature and humidity to the nutritional conditions.

They no longer keep warm in their mother's body but also get nutrients from their mother's body. Now they have to deal with everything in the external environment.

Newborn puppies have a very low body temperature, between 34.5-36 degrees Celsius for the first week, so we need to keep them warm to maintain their body temperature.

Because a high percentage of newborn puppies die in the first week, we need to take care of them carefully so that they don't die prematurely and catch a cold.

During this generation phase, we must ensure that the nest temperature is always warm. Use a heat lamp (40W bulb) for the pup during the first week, or we can use a straw, old clothes, and a bed in the litter to keep warm.

Keep an eye on them, if it's cold they'll huddle together for warmth, if the temperature in the nest is right they'll spread out to find themselves a comfortable spot, if the temperature in the nest is too hot they'll spread out. It's going to be tough right away. So we need to take care to adjust the heat in the drive accordingly.

Puppy development stages

Newborn puppy

Newborn puppies are very thin and need warmth and feeding.

In the first few days, I only worshiped around my mother's milk, ate, and slept. At this time, it has not been fully produced, only the movements of stretching, shaking the head, and pedaling.

At this stage, the puppies cannot clean themselves, and the bitch always cleans the puppies, which is a good way to take care of the bitch to avoid the puppies from getting dirty and infected. And many times when the puppies go to the toilet unconsciously, the mother dog will lick the puppies' genitals to encourage the puppies to defecate.

Puppies will open their eyes when they are 9-13 days old, and they can hear sounds after 13-17 days. Depending on the physical condition of the puppy, it may also be delayed for more than a few days.

This is also the time when puppies have deciduous teeth, they also start to walk and eat liquid food such as milk and porridge. They can urinate without the assistance of the bitch.

When they are 6 weeks old, they use their faces and ears to express emotions, now we need to separate them and let them eat by themselves, their food now is not milk or porridge but rice. soft.

At this age, we first need to consider the health of puppies and puppies with nasal vaccinations.

From the age of 7-19 weeks, their teeth have basically grown. We should find room 2 for the puppies when they are 10 weeks old.

Puppy 3-16 months old

When they are between 12 weeks and 16 months, they often chew through furniture due to itchy gums, and we can prepare some plush toys, especially for puppies.

We need to teach them not to bite their hands.

By the age of 6-18 months, we can make them housekeepers, because at this time they have learned to be independent and know how to leave their mark on their own territory and not allow others to encroach.

By the time they are 18 months old, they are fully grown and we can train them to use the toilet in the correct place, do housekeeping, and do other activities.

Above we have been curious about the stages and how to take care of them at each stage.

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